Canon Unveils EOS R7 and R10, High Speed APS-C Mirrorless Camera!

Raka Adhi B.
Senin 05 September 2022, 15:42 WIB
Canon improved their EOS R ecosystem with releasing two new  EOS R mirrorless camera variant equipped with APS-C sensor and two RF-S lens.

Canon improved their EOS R ecosystem with releasing two new  EOS R mirrorless camera variant equipped with APS-C sensor and two RF-S lens.

Techverse.AsiaCanon improved their EOS R ecosystem with releasing two new  EOS R mirrorless camera variant equipped with APS-C sensor and two RF-S lens. Although it’s smaller and lighter, these two new camera and new lens can reliably takes photos with amazing image quality.

PT Datascrip, as the sole distributor of Canon Digital Imaging product in Indonesia officially released EOS R7 and EOS R10, the first mirrorless camera from the EOS R family that uses APS-C image sensor. Other than the camera, there are RF-S18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM and RF-S18-150mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM, they are new lenses made to optimize the mobility advantage from APS-C camera.

Canon keeps improving their EOS R system since its launch in 2018. With the release of EOS R7 and EOS R10, there are 7 types of cameras and 30 lens variant that are available for the EOS R ecosystem, added with more than 70 EF lenses that is still able to be used with an adaptor. These two new cameras and RF-S kit lens can be the choice for photographer and videographer who seeks to achieve image quality and high technology that is staple to the EOS R system, with the more compact design and more affordable price, and the last but not least, Canon mirrorless camera comes with 2 years warranty from Datascrip” said PT Datascrip Canon Business Unit Director, Monica Aryasetiawan.

EOS R7 and EOS R10: Powerful APS-C Camera with EOS R System

Equipped with CMOS APS-C sensor and DIGIC X processor, EOS R7 and EOS R10 are the first Canon camera that inherit AutoFocus (AF) technology on EOS R3, which is the EOS iTR AFX. This technology uses deep-learning object detection to automatically detect and track subject with analyzing subject’s image information such as hue, color, and the shape of the subject. Combined with the Dual Pixel CMOS AFII feature, it can provide fast, responsive, and accurate auto focus ability even for capturing moving subject.

Both EOS R7 and EOS R10 are able to take high-speed consecutive images up to 15 fps on mechanic mode, this is almost as fast as EOS-1D Mark III, the best DSLR Canon camera, that can take up to 16 fps. On electronic shutter mode, EOS R7 is able to capture consecutive images up to 30fps on full 32,5 Megapixel resolution while EOS R10 have continuous shooting speed up to 23fps on full 24,2 Megapixel resolution.

Both cameras have Burst RAW mode which can capture full resolution RAW images up to 30fps. This mode supports pre-captures that is 0,5 second before user fully press the shutter button, thus allowing user to capture unexpected moment!

To create video content, the new 4K UHD Fine mode on EOS R7 is able to produce 4K UHD 30p video with oversampling from 7K format. Recording 4K 60p uncropped video also can be done on standard 4K UDH mode. EOS R7 is the first photography APS-C EOS camera that supports Canon Log3 for flexibility on color grading and HDR video production.

EOS R7 also the first APS-C EOS camera with 5-axis in-body IS (Image Stabilizer) technology that is able to achieve image stabilization up to 8 stop while recording video or capturing photos. Both EOS R7 and EOS R10 have Movie Digital IS feature that can do 5 axis stabilization for more stable video even with the lens that doesn’t have Optical IS.

The strength of camera that is equipped with APS-C sensor is the telephoto effect that make it seems like it has built-in extender. This will come handy for user that likes to take wild-life photo and other subject that needs long focal length. The field of view will automatically “enlarge” around 1.6 times from the lens focal length.

On the other hand, unlike using the crop 1,6x on EOS-R Full Frame camera, recording on APS-C camera uses full resolution from the sensor. When recording on EOS R7, the built-in APS-C 1.6x cropping can be combined with 4K UDH crop mode to produce stronger telephoto effect up to 1.8x focal length.

The smaller size of APS-C sensor from full-frame 35mm allows camera and lens system to be designed smaller, lighter, and more compact, with more affordable price. If compared with equivalent DSLR camera, RF-S lens that is paired with EOS R7 or R10 can cut up to 24% from the total weight.

Apart from the RF-S lens that is specifically designed to be used for APS-C EOS R, EOS R7, and EOS R10, all of the cameras are able to directly use RF lens that is designed for full-frame camera. Including EF and EF-S lens with the EF-EOS R adaptor.

EOS R7 and EOS R10 come with several features and new technology to simplify workflow and increase creativity. Panorama Shot SCN mode and Panning SCN mode provides better image stability to capture perfect panning shot. Other than that, Depth Compositing mode can automatically combine several images into one image with sharp focus from subject and the background.

RF-S18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM & RF-S18-150mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM: The First Canon RF-S Lens Duo

Comes with smaller form factor and lighter weight, RF-S18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM dan RF-S18-150mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM lens kit has an almost identical with the compact EF-M lens.

With 44,3 length and the weight 130g, RF-S18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM is the standard zoom lens with the focal range of 29-72mm on full-frame camera, also comes with wide to medium telephoto field of view that is perfect to capture everyday moment.

Meanwhile, RF-S18-150mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM is the superzoom lens that can have focal length ranged from 29-240mm on full-frame camera. A multipurpose lens for travel, sport, and wild-life photography. The weight only comes in 310g and the length is only 84.5mm that makes it compact and easy to be carried while traveling.

Other than EOS R APS-C, RF-S lens also can be mounted to the EOS R full-frame camera system with automatically activates the 1.6x crop mode.

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